Immokalee PLAY

 Check out the After Project Report Here!  




Burners Are Still In Immokalee, Florida, To Give The Gift Of PLAY This Holiday Season

Our team aligned in the purpose of providing immediate disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Irma. We built the Grassroots Alliance Kitchen in Immokalee, Florida, and together we shared over 30,000 meals in a month. When it came time to pack up our ‘Burner Kitchen’, there were a couple of Burners who knew sharing their hearts with this community was not yet complete.

We are still here on the ground in south Florida connecting with the community and creating the Immokalee PLAY Project. The Play & Learn Art Yard is an interactive and fun outdoor educational playspace for the people in Immokalee. Through our creative space we strive to empower young leaders, encourage exploration and learning, and cultivate community and connection through the gift of PLAY.

PLAY will be outdoors in the community of Immokalee at Farm Workers Village and will house a variety of playground equipment as well as opportunities to garden, cook, learn, and connect together. We are a dedicated, fulltime team of two and welcome volunteers to join us as we embark on building our playground over the next several weeks to be gifted to the community before Christmas. Please contact Vision or Joyous if you would like to join these efforts.

Immokalee PLAY Project has been enthusiastically received within the local community and has recently been awarded Community Action Grants from Burnt Oranges, Inc. We are working towards a $30,000 budget and are ready to accept in-kind donations and additional financial support. All contributions are tax-deductible and we can accept Paypal donations here as well.

PLAY will be our gift for the Immokalee community for many years to come and you are invited to join us ~ together, we PLAY!

Fostering a more Connected, Creative & Resilient World

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