BWB Sacramento: Teapa Mexico Schools

Teapa Mexico Schools
Tabasco, Mexico
BWB Sacramento, Susana Orozco

This Grant was received through the 2022 BWB Community Micro-Grant Program

This project supports the Indigenous families who work for the cacao farms in Teapa Mexico. The children who attend this school often endure 110º F temperatures in the classroom. The grant money will provide this school with two AC units. The communities in Tabasco have been impacted several times by inundations and other natural disasters over the past years. As a result of this, many schools and local hospitals have lost their basic supplies. This rural school located in Teapa Tabasco provides education to thirty-one elementary school students of six different grades within the same classroom. Valagro, a local cacao farm association, and BWB Sacramento Chapter have partnered with this school for AC and basic school supplies before the end of 2022. 

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