BWB Fly Ranch, Nevada (USA)

In 2020, Ripple Project began working with members of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe to build an educational medicine garden outside the Pyramid Lake Paiute Museum. The museum’s director, Billie Jean Guerrero, was instrumental in initiating and guiding this project. They intend to continue developing the outdoor exhibits at Pyramid Lake next year with a…
This past July 2019, volunteers from Awful’s Gas & Snack, The Temple, and Burners Without Borders organized and ecosystem restoration action day in collaboration with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. We worked with the Natural Resource Department of the PLPT to provide labor on the Numana Wetland Restoration Project as well as assisting with groundskeeping at…
About the Mobile Resource Unit Prototype In 2016, Burners Without Borders created their first-ever mobile makerspace called the Mobile Resource Unit (MRU). The MRU is a 20-foot refurbished shipping container filled with basic tools, advanced manufacturing equipment, and supplies for making prototypes and art that can be easily shipped into areas of need, such…