H.E.R Shelter Mural

The H.E.R. Shelter is a non profit organization that takes in women and children that have left abusive situations and need a safe place to stay while they navigate their new lives. There is a fenced in outdoor area that serves as a play space for the kids and a meditative space for the women. Unfortunately, it’s not the brightest place to be. The fence is functional but could definitely use brightening up. Our mission is to paint a mural that begins on one side of the fence as a rocky mountain range with a difficult to navigate path that slowly evens out to a flower-covered field, then to a breezy beach and then a smooth sailing ship. The thought is that the mural will be a reminder to these courageous women that though they may be having a difficult time now, they are one step closer to safety and security. We will outline the project onto the fence using a projector and then have the women and children at the shelter help to paint it. The projected project date is May 1.

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