Report Back: BWB 2019 Fall Summit at Fly Ranch

September 17, 2019

Thanks to everyone who attended our BWB Fall Summit!  What an amazing experience for all of us to come together and have deep conversations on the Burning Man Sustainability Roadmap 2030 and our impact worldwide as emerging leaders in the regenerative culture.

Want to stay up to date with everything that happened at the Summit?  Check out these Resources here:
1.  BWB Fall Summit Report-Out Powerpoint
2. The EcoSprint OnePagers created during the Summit. (17 Projects)  [pro-tip:  click the link in the bottom right hand corner of the one pagers for photos of the workbooks)
3. Flipchart Notes from the Unconference Section
4.  Join the BWB Worldwide Slack and check out the #sustainability-regen channel

Also- don’t forget to check out the LAGI2020 Design Challenge at Fly Ranch as well as connect with Black Rock Labs. Interested in doing a similar project yourself? Learn more about the EcoSprint Framework created by Planet Home.

Special thanks to our content leads and facilitators for the week:  Annie Coleman, Satya Kamdar, Becca Dakini, Robert Suarez, Amanda Joy Ravenhill, Laurent Turk.


We’re excited to be inviting you:

The BWB Summit Fall Weekend
October 11 – 13th
Fly Ranch, Nevada

May 2019 marked the beginning of something special, and we’re thrilled to announce the second iteration of the Burners Without Borders Summit at Fly Ranch. 

Our community knows that the world is changing and Burners Without Borders believes that the global Burning Man community has the potential to be active and adaptive players in it.  

As we look towards the future, two things seem evident.
1.  We must continue to densen our networks, and allow the diverse knowledge and experiences of our stakeholders to come together and cooperate.
2.  We must create the opportunity space for daring and innovative projects to emerge that can be supported by our global network.

This past July Burning Man Project released their 2030 Sustainability Roadmap document to the world- marking a new commitment for the world’s largest “Leave No Trace” event. Inspired by this call to action, Burners Without Borders, in collaboration with Fly Ranch, Black Rock Labs, and other friends is bringing together a weekend long conversation exploring what our global communities roll might be in the regenerative revolution. You are part of the solution and we want to have you there. 

Fly Ranch is a 3800 acre ranch about 12 miles away from the Black Rock City event. Fly Ranch was purchased by the Burning Man Project to imagine what a permanent home for a temporary community might look like.  (wanna get excited? Watch this video)

From the beginning, BWB has collaborated with Fly Ranch as sister projects within the Burning Man ecosystem that closely aligns in our shared mission and intention to leave a positive trace worldwide.

Part think tank, part work weekend, part family campout, we hope that some of you will join us for this special opportunity to deepen our relationships, densen our network, and have powerful conversations about the impact we have together.

At this fall summit we are focusing on conversations that revolve around regenerative culture, sustainability, planet stewardship, carbon drawdown and activation around these subject areas.

The weekend will be loosely structured, providing ample opportunity for both formal conversation as well as personal discovery.  A feature of this weekend will be to allow our community members to become familiar with the land, as well as each other in a new way and start conversations about where we as a community want to set our sights for the future.

Think of it like a theme camp for a weekend.  This will be a completely co-created experience. Radical self- reliance will be a tenant of the weekend. Meals will be planned and created by participants.  Everyone will be responsible for their own water, trash disposal etc. If you are interested in being a core collaborator/lead for this event, we look forward to hearing from you.

We are sure that you have questions about the event. We are currently working on furthering the language and framing for the weekend but wanted those of you who are interested in attending to get it on your calendars now. There will be the ability to find some support (shelter etc.) if you need it, especially for those who are coming from further away. While some of this support will come from the BWB & Fly Ranch Teams- most of that support will come the group of participants who raise their hands for this experiment.

While we would like to offer this opportunity to everyone, space for this initial summit is limited. You are invited to express your interest and ability to attend by completing this survey.
Please express your interest as soon as possible, and feel free to share with others who may be right for this event. We will be in touch as soon as possible to confirm your attendance via a registration link. 

Look forward to co-creating this experience with you.


Burners Without Borders Spring Summit, May 2019


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