Winners Announced: Australia & New Zealand Burner Leadership Summit Civic Ignition Grant

May 1, 2018

Congratulations to our 2018 Australia & New Zealand Burner Leadership Summit Civic Ignition Grant Winner!  We received 4 submissions and had about 35 participants join us to judge the cycle at our meet up and workshop.  It was a great conversation and the workshop took about 60 minutes to complete.  Congratulations to the winner:

BOSS Newcastle Maker Space (Newcastle, NSW, Australia):  
Burners of Sydney and Surrounds, Newcastle is excited to open our doors to a Burner run Maker Space and Community Hub. ‘Shed 11’ is located at 50 Clyde St; Hamilton North 2292. We will inhabit a space of 100m2 and be under the same roof with other like minded community and artistic groups. We are seeking further support to create an amazing dynamic space for Burner art, workshops, and inspiring our Newcastle community to get involved with a creative and collaborative environment. The Burner ethos (principles) provide the foundation for what we foresee our Community Hub becoming. We are invested in making this a burner cultural hub for Newcastle. With collaboration of BOSS members as well as Shed 11 (the warehouse space) occupiers we intend to provide the community with a variety of skill-up workshops as well as bringing art into our Newcastle neighborhoods. Examples include soldering and Arduino workshops, learning to code workshops for adults and school age children, large scale artworks to bring to Newcastle festivals (e.g. Darby St festival, Light up Newcastle, as many as possible!) as well as Burning Seed. In all our endeavors we will be promoting safe, inclusive events as well as leave no trace and environmental sustainability. BOSS also intends to participate and collaborate on events in conjunction with our neighbors within the Shed 11 warehouse which include Upcycle Newcastle, Tree House Permaculture, the Share Shop, and Newcastle Men’s shed. All occupants are deeply committed to de-commodification, sustainability, creativity, and building community. 

What is the ANZLS Civic Ignition Grant?
A program aimed at funding innovative community & civic projects within the greater Australia & New Zealand regions.  We are interested in programs that create collaborations, produce direct actions, utilize several of the 10 Burning Man Principles, are reproducible, and creatively tackle local social problems. This grant gives anyone the opportunity to submit a collaborative, creative, and principle-focused project with a chance to win up to a $1,500 grant (USD).

–  Grant Opportunity is announced on May 1st
–  Deadline for grant submissions is May 28th (Midnight)
–  Workshop Participants will review the grant proposals at the 2018 ANZLS in Melbourne, Australia (June 2-3)
–  Winner(s) will be announced Sunday evening at the ANZLS  (June 3rd)

Apply here:

What’s special about the ANZLS Civic Ignition Grant?
Submissions to the 2018 ANZLS Civic Ignition grant cycle will be workshopped and judged by a group of participants and community leaders that attend this year’s ANZLS Civic Ignition Grant Workshop. This group will be using the submissions as material to review and workshop while learning how to administer their own civic grant programs.

Who is eligible to apply?
Individuals, Groups, and Not-for-Profits are all eligible to apply.  We encourage projects be endorsed by a local Burning Man Regional Contact.  The RC does not need to be a project lead, or heavily involved with the process, rather they are simply endorsing the project and the leaders who are submitting.  We recognize not all regions have local RC’s and we encourage you to apply even if no RC is able to endorse.

How much can you ask for?
The maximum grant that maybe awarded is $1,500 (USD).  We encourage your project’s viability to not be solely dependent on this grant.  Think about other sources of funding that might be available.  Grants awarded could be less than the full amount.

What types of proposals will likely not get funded by this program?
Programs that are solely based on artistic endeavors and do not have a community or civic aspect will most likely not be considered for funding.  Funds should not be used for direct fundraising, chapter promotion efforts, or for paying people for their work.

What follow-up will be expected by grant recipients?
All recipients will be expected to submit written reports on what they have accomplished and learned in the course of their projects, along with accompanying visual media.  This media will be hosted on the Burners Without Borders website.

Who won the Civic Ignition Grant in the past?                                                                                      
2017 ELS Civic Ignition Grant winners

2016 ELS Civic Ignition Grant winners

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