BWB Monthly Tele-Salon

March 5, 2013

The BWB Tele-Salon is an effort to strengthen relationships within the Burning Man & BWB communities. This monthly telephone conference call is a platform for BWB Chapters, civic leaders, and community members to present and listen in to conversations that matter. Hosted on the second Thursday of each month, this interactive call seeks to share the lessons learned from BWB projects with the goal of inspiring even more community initiated projects around the world. If your interested in speaking at an upcoming Tele-Salon please e-mail:

We will be speaking to Erica Rumpel about her work in Nepal with the Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco
Foundation (KRMEF). This successful organization creates affordable housing, biodynamic food, workforce development programs, leprosy treatment, women’s empowerment initiatives and innovative recycling programs to the village of Khahare and beyond.
WHEN: May 16
Call begins- 5pm PT, 7pm CST, 8pm EST,
Call in Number (USA)+1 209 255 1000

Participant code– 410006
Erica Rumpel, MA, LPC is passionate about innovative solutions, sharing resources, international development work and facilitating change.  She thinks in systems and can usually draw a line, dotted or otherwise, between most ideas, concepts, and projects.  So whether she’s acting as a Psychotherapist, an academic administrator, a Board Secretary or a Yoga Instructor, she is cultivating a similar awareness, philosophy and practice that exemplifies the power of connection.  Erica has worked in nonprofits for over 12 years and has recently plugged into the social enterprise space; self-sustaining- thriving- interdependent- asset focused- hybrid businesses that are rockin out some change.
A couple of years ago, I was talking to an American colleague about competition and scarcity.  I don’t understand manipulation or passive aggressive behavior as methods to achieve; to win.  Is it idealistic to think there’s something for everyone? Some have told me that unless I “scheme,” “strategize,” and see my competitor as the “enemy” I will inevitably fail.  I can’t swallow it.  It’s too much work.  When I’m at KRMEF digging dirt, walking for hours between villages, blocking the smog and dust from my lungs, teaching therapeutic yoga to people who have been denied touch for decades due to leprosy, it feels easy- it feels right.  The work is done because everyone that shows up has no identity to stand on- to compete against.  Whether you’re from Israel, Germany, Argentina or the states, you’re there to contribute a skill to continue the work.  It’s all important and it all matters.  The trash left in the streets is an asset, the cow dung saves lives and the man who hasn’t used his fingers in years is now earning money to buy his own rice and dahl from his newly learned trade.  I had the same conversation about competition with Krishna and he just paused and looked confused and said, “ah….what is this?” 
So, what can you offer? It’s worth more than you think.

Fostering a more Connected, Creative & Resilient World

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