Report Back: Green Theme Camp Summit 2020

August 15, 2020

Burners Without Borders was proud to co-host the first ever Green Theme Camp Summit in collaboration with IDEATE, Hotel California and all of the amazing participants who joined us over the 4 day event.

Want to see a wrap-up report?  Check out this powerpoint presentation.  Or watch the videos here.

The Quick summary:
1) 4 days:
Thursday & Friday (Connection + Values)
Saturday & Sunday (Workgroups + Infrastructure)

2) 15+ Hours of Content
Sunday Morning livestream focusing on infrastructure in the world (LAGI + BWB). 21k Views.
All presentations recorded.  Working to get them up online in November 2020.

3) 145 applications for participation.
100 invites sent. 30-40 attendees throughout the sessions.
Schedule and invites came out late which caused lower attendance.
The *right* people still came.



We are excited to invite you to:

The Virtual Green Theme Camp Summit
October 1 – 4 2020
Register here

We are excited to be hosting the very first ‘Green Theme Camp Summit’, and while we’d been hoping to gather at Fly Ranch, we’re going virtual! The benefits of going virtual however is that we can include even more participants– and capture our learnings in new ways.

The purpose of this event will be to gather Theme Camp Leaders to share + learn how to be Greener Theme Camps together, as well as support the Burning Man 2030 Environmental Sustainability Roadmap.

Video of Drew Moxon doing a short presentation on the GTCS at the Ecosystem Activation Community Call, July 17th.

Theme Camp Organizers (TCO’s), Theme Camp Leads, and Infrastructure Leads are the main audiences we are targeting. Others are welcome to apply, but we will only have room for ~70 participants for this event.  Don’t worry though- this is the start of a community that will be growing!


  • Act as a main connection point for all these camp leaders who share the vision and purpose towards a greener burn
  • Collective ideation to name and shape the values and mission of the community
  • Spotlight presentations on existing projects and practices
  • Conversation and design thinking addressing the basic human needs: shelter, power, water, food, and air along with Burning Man sustainability goals 
  • Create and envision the future steps of this community

We’re planning a series of virtual events stretched out over a few days that focus on several different infrastructure subject areas including: Shelter, Water, Power, Food, Waste
as well as the 3 main Burning Man Sustainability Goals: Handle Waste Ecologically, Be Regenerative, Become Carbon Negative.

If you are interested in being a core collaborator/lead for this event, we look forward to hearing from you. There’s plenty of spaces to still get involved. This is emergent and community-led.
The final framing for the event is still under construction, but we wanted those of you who are interested in attending to be able to start to get involved now.

If you are interested in attending the 2020 Green Theme Camp Summit on please fill out this interest form

Please register your interest as soon as possible. Please share this invitation with others who may be right for this event. The BWB team will respond as soon as possible to confirm your attendance via a registration link. 

Questions? Email us at

Looking forward to co-creating this experience with you!
The BWB Team, Fly Ranch, Hotel California and IDEATE.

Stay connected throughout the year:
BWB Fly Ranch Working Group
BWB Volunteers Worldwide
BWB Newsletter

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