Winter Newsletter 2020

December 3, 2020
any trouble viewing this page? View the original newsletter here– the formatting is nicer 🙂 It is with deep gratitude to this community that we finish our final 2020 Newsletter. Thank you for being on this journey with us. We are experiencing The Long Disaster while rising together to meet it in both our local and global communities. COVID, in an unexpected yet unsurprising way, brought out the best in our community. We showed up collectively by making masks, working on the frontlines of medicine and humanitarian aid, organizing for access to PPE, and supporting mutual aid projects. Yet the pandemic was far from the only challenge we faced this year. Fires and hurricanes across the world in increasing numbers and scale are only two of the growing challenges of unchecked climate change. We saw Burners respond to those disasters, while simultaneously continuing long-term work in renewable energies, environmental restoration, and land sovereignty projects. Not to mention the sea change we are experiencing in how we discuss race, inclusion, diversity, access, equity, health, and allyship. Burners came out to support Black Lives Matter marches and activists, and also embarked on the deeper work of interrogating how “radically inclusive” we truly are as an event and culture. While all of this was happening we did not forget to foster moments of joy and levity through art and performance, an essential cornerstone to our work. Looking back it’s important to remember that with every challenge we faced, a new moment arose for creative intervention and connection.To list some of the things we’re most proud of supporting in 2020: The BWB Spring Summit, the Green Theme Camp Summit, as well as Diversity and Radical Inclusion Town Hall, our Community Roundups and Global Activation Call series, both of which highlighted the work of community members across the world, and lastly the LAGI challenge at Fly Ranch which received 185 submissions and will break ground in 2021. Community is forged, not coddled. We are in the crucible, molten, and flowing together. What happens when the world experiences exponential crises? How might we as community meet that moment? We are weathering great upheavals, and together we will build a more just, sustainable, and verdant world. Here is to a new year together, a year of healing and growth. We are honored that you make us a part of your journey, and we are here to serve. In Solidarity.Stay connected and let us know what you’re up to in the world. Join the BWB Volunteers Worldwide Group for regular updates, check out our Global Slack Workspace and consider donating to BWB. We are community-led and community supported.Thank you for being you. |
Upcoming: Pedacito De Tierra/ Little Piece of Home Community Meal and Film Premiere, coming February 2021 |
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We’ve been cooking something up along the US/MX Border with an exciting group of partners and friends! If you haven’t seen the Press Release yet, check out the announcement of the project, we’re undertaking alongside Alight, Ronald Rael, and some radical Catholic Nuns. In early Februrary BWB and friends will be hosting a “Virtual Community Meal”. We will premiere the film, share in a communal cooking class, talk with the creators, and release the first few pages of an upcoming cookbook. It’s sure to be exciting and we’d love to invite you to not only join, but co-create along with us. We’ve got a few volunteer positions we need to fill: – Layout Artist (help us design the cookbook) – Illustrator or Sketch Artist (help us bring some art to the cookbook) – Artists/Musicians with pieces that related to border issues or migration. – Virtual Event Support – Other creative producers who feel called after reading the press release. Want to get involved? Shoot us an email: |
Report Out: Thank you for a year of Community Roundups |
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Last week we held the final Community Roundup Call. The ‘BWB Community Roundup: Burners Respond’ series came about in response to COVID-19. The call became a place to organize, share information, find resources, and feel community. During the ten months, we had 2000+ calls-in, and 200+ projects presented. One participant shared: “I didn’t know how badly I needed to find active community members doing work until I joined the calls. I was immediately pulled into a couple of projects and it gave me the focus I needed in my life, which has been very off-kilter during the pandemic.”The calls may be ending for now, but the work is not. You can find the notes from the calls, and details on how to connect with projects in this notes document and these video recordings as well as our prototype database. We’re looking forward to continuing to explore this community organizing tool in 2021. In the meantime, you are invited to facilitate your own Community Roundup using this <TOOLKIT>. |
Report Out: 2020 Global Activation Series- watch the videos!![]() Burning Man Project hosted the Global Activation Community Call Series to spotlight community projects in the following activation areas: Arts, Civic Engagement, Community, Ecosystems, Events, and Arts Grants. The calls are a mix of formal presentations, Q&As, discussions meant as learning opportunities, and connection points around important topics. As we wrap 2020 and look to the future, we’re sharing the video recordings of of our 2020 series. We hope they continue to inspire us to make positive impacts out in the world. |
Green Theme Camp Community: Thrival Guide |
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Earlier this year we supported the first-ever Green Theme Camp Summit! We are thrilled to share the latest from this vibrant community: The Thrival Guide, a dynamic, interactive, open-source directory of solution-based ideas and green infrastructure projects created by Burners, for Burners. The intention is to inspire and learn from each other as we move towards a more sustainable event and environmentally conscientious global community. If you have any tested ideas or projects, we’d love to invite you to share them in this 5-minute intake form. Or if you’re interested in joining the FB Community you can do so here. |
BWB Regional Updates:![]() BWB Portland: Since re-launching BWB Portland in January, we provided Covid-19 relief microgrants to Portland Artists through PDX Artist Assistance. We contributed time and supplies to the BLM movement in partnership with PDX Resistance Assistance, and helped renovate and restore BIPOC-owned homes with Taking Ownership PDX. In addition we coordinated direct mutual aid following late summer wildfires. We are grateful for these opportunities as they have helped build a strong coalition for our current project: Burners for Joy, Empowerment, Diversity, and Inclusion in PDX (JEDI)We’re providing infrastructure support, holiday meals and joyful experiences to the Creating Conscious Communities for People Outside (C3PO) coalition. C3PO is a collective of 12 nonprofit organizations and three 40-person community villages where houseless residents can share resources, develop accountability structures, and evolve mutual aid relationships during the global pandemic. Given the recent spikes in coronavirus rates in our city, it’s essential that residents can get out of their tents into a larger space that’s protected from the rain and cold.If you’d like to contribute directly, please consider making a donation here. If you are local and would like to build domes, teach a workshop, provide a personal care service, help with holiday meals, or donate clothing, please contact us at |
![]() BWB Utah: Burners Without Borders Utah is hosting a drive to help people facing homelessness. Temporary encampments are being taken down daily and with some closed shelters, our homeless situation is in a dire situation. There are drop-offs with different Burners in Draper, Salt Lake City and in Ogden. Donations are also accepted at The Chakra Lounge at 364 State Street, Salt Lake City after 5pm. Items requested include warm boots, coats, blankets, sleeping bags, luggage, tents, gloves and any other supplies, such as hygiene products, shelf-stable food, masks, reusable water bottles, warm socks, etc. For more information about items being accepted and/or alternative drop-off sites, contact |
![]() BWB Colorado: The BWB Colorado chapter is alive and well. We are going through a reactivation with the help of some new leadership with Crispy Dave. 2021 will bring many challenges to our communities, and we want to be ready to act and provide support. Please join us. We’re also sending all of our love and support to Morgan Hale and Jaxxx who have been working hard post-fires in the Colorado area. Thanks for doing the hardwork and being involved in your communities when they need it the most! |
![]() BWB San Diego: San Diego Burners Without Borders is partnering with communities in Baja, Mexico for a donation drive this winter. With the pandemic shortages, our neighbors in Mexico are having a rough winter. We’re working to provide the International Project for Human Potential and Kumeyaay Tribe with warm clothes and food. We have dropoff locations in SD and North County, and are working with volunteers to take the supplies to our neighbors in the South as resources become available. Find information about the active drives, accepted donations, and contact information here. |
![]() Vegas Strong Resource Group: Vegas Strong Resource Group located in Las Vegas is a facts-only group run by six administrators. The group works within the community to provide assistance in everything from navigating unemployment, finding resources, accessing food pantries, providing food runs, helping access covid testing, and sourcing up-to-date scientific information regarding covid-19. Additionally, we have a resident DJ performing live streams, a volunteer plumber David Wilson who has helped over 100 people, a resident workout instructor, food run volunteers and more. This is a trusted group for resources during the pandemic. Each post and source is researched for validity daily. The community created here is for the helpers and for those that need viable and accurate information. Join our trusted community of helpers and know we are all here for you….. #VegasStronger #Facts #Science #Community |
![]() BWB Los Angeles: The Los Angeles chapter of Burners Without Borders began reactivating at the end of 2020 with the formation of Burners for Local Action, 501(c)(3) status pending. Our intention next year is to rally the LA burner community around sustainable solutions during a time of sustained need. We hope to engage local burners and other community members in online events, safe outdoor actions, and more. To get involved, please visit: |
![]() BWB Detroit: Winter is when the Detroit Backpack Project was born, and continues to be the time when there is the most urgent need for the houseless community. There are two different ways that you can support the project either by singing up to donate items, or to donate and get a new BWB Detroit patch where all the proceeds go to the project. |
![]() BWB Seattle: BWB Seattle is finishing-up two projects this month, and has one request for help!The Beach Cleanup (photo) at Seahurst: 13 volunteers spent two hours cleaning up the beach, even pulling out old tires! All participants were masked and social distancing guidelines were followed.United Way Winter Coat Drive Project Update: Thanks to everyone who donated. We were able to drop the following off at the Chief Seattle Club: 17 jackets,1 sweater, 10 scarves, 8 pairs of gloves, 2 earmuffs, 1 knit hat, and 18 shirts.Be a Board Member of BWB Seattle: We have two available openings for our kickass board of do’ers who want to help their local community! There are several ways in which you can help, so if you’re interested, please contact us! |
![]() BWB Houston & BWB Galveston: BWB Houston and Galveston teamed up along with the entire BWB Texas Alliance in supporting the 2nd annual Toy Drive. They set a new record in collecting 232 toys and gifts that were delivered to Vinton, Louisiana- the site of the BWB Texas Alliance ongoing Hurricane support. Stay tuned for a School Supply Drive for May 2021- and thanks to all our partners including GoodVibeTrive-HTX and the Houston Burners. And congratulations to BWB Galveston in winning 3rd place in the Christmas Boat Parade! All proceeds go to their Reef Restoration Project. |
Opportunities/ Get Involved![]() Ecosystem Restoration Camps: Musicians/Poets/Performers needed! In January ERC is organizing a special online event to kick off the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, to talk about visions and milestones for restoring the earth. We’re looking for several musicians/poets/performers to take part in the event. If you’re interested and have pieces about taking care of the earth that you would like to share, please get in touch and send over a little example of your work. Email us or get in contact with us on FB. |
![]() [Bay Area Volunteers] Wood Street Curbside Community Kitchen & Healing Clinic Miguel Elliott of Living Earth Structures and EFAM – Essential Food and Medicine and Artists Building Communities are collaborating to facilitate the building of a community kitchen and a healing space at the Wood Street encampment in West Oakland, California. Cob on Wood serves the residents and volunteers of the encampment so they can safely and comfortably prepare meals as well as have a warm space to eat communal dinners and seek health advice from holistic healers and medical professionals. Find the link to volunteer on BWB Volunteers Worldwide. Please Watch, Support, and Share! |
![]() Together We Grow: Join us on Sundays! Join our *growing* community of people interested in soil, food, gardens, and plants! We meet on (most) Sundays to learn and share together- dreaming in the regenerative future. Upcoming events will include Worms, Seed Library, Container Gardening, Tilapia, Soils, Pollinators, and more.Join our FB page to get event information. |
![]() VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Cajun Navy The mission of Cajun Navy Relief (longtime friends of BWB) is to save lives. They are a group of volunteers who work tirelessly (using their own personal equipment) to provide immediate relief in disasters. Rescue and relief are their way of sharing South Louisiana cultural traditions. By integrating civilian volunteers into the Incident Command Structure, they are able to act as a force multiplier for agencies responding to disasters. And they need help! Volunteers, especially remote dispatch/vetting; information technology; and support. Many roles can be done from home, anywhere in the world. It is critical to fill these roles when NOT in deployment so that volunteers can learn the ropes. Sign up to volunteer now, so that when the next disaster strikes you are ready to go. |
BWB Press & Media![]() Diversity & Radical Inclusion Panel hosted by Fly Ranch (Audio Only – BWB-BRC 2019) We’ve recently released this panel titled ‘Diversity & Radical Inclusion’ hosted by Fly Ranch at the Burners Without Borders camp in Black Rock City 2019. The panel was facilitated by Burning Man Co-Founder Harley K. Dubois and featured: Pedro Vidal, Emily Koch, Jon Jackson, and Yodassa Williams. |
![]() Remaking Talent: Playa Lessons Help Rebuild a Fire-Affected Town in Oregon We sat around the table, soot-stained, exhausted, and brimming with ideas. One of our members looked up, just as we were putting the finishing touches on our manifesto, and said, “Oh wow, it’s just a bunch of Burners who showed up for this, huh?”A few terrible days before, the Almeda Fire had ripped through my hometown of Talent, Oregon…. [Read the Article HERE] |
What We’re Listening To![]() Community Roundup Playlist For the last six+ months we have hosted Community Roundup Calls to learn/share about initiatives burners are leading. We’ve rocked some truly great tunes during these calls and collected them all in this playlist for your listening pleasure! |
Consider Making a Donation to BWB |
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BWB is funded through BRC ticket sales and donations. In a year without ticket sales, we are more reliant than ever on the generosity of those who have the means to share.BWB exists because of YOU. Your generous support and participation over the years enabled this creative community to accomplish so much around the world. BWB is known for helping real people solve real problems by daring to experiment, to iterate, and to do so in challenging environments.The unique gifts this community brings to the international stage is quickly transforming what people think is possible. Thank you for all the contributions you bring, money is just one way to support BWB.To continue doing the work, we do need your help. To donate to the continued success of BWB, click here. Any amount that you can give will help us each our goals, and lets us know our work has impact. Thank you! – The BWB Team |