BWB Worldwide Call: A Community Roundup

November 19, 2024

On November 19th, 2024, we hosted a BWB Worldwide Call as part of our BWBxEDU series. This community roundup offered a platform for sharing projects, sparking collaboration, and connecting skills with impactful initiatives. Below is a highlight of the community projects we heard from.

  • Eco Pazifico shared their progress on a Community Waste Management System in Colombia following a $1,000 BWB micro-grant received in 2017, and their plans for a permaculture school on revitalized lands.
  • Bruce Cooper shared about the December 7th Renewable Energy Burner Symposium, where Burners shared innovative uses of renewable technologies. 
  • Burning Man Earth Guardian and GEN UN delegate, Patty Rangel, and Kadjosi Matabishi spoke on the Kakuma Refugee Camp Food Forest in Kenya. 
  • Michelle Wong of the LA EcoVillage spoke to the use of biochar as it relates to urban gardens, biodiversity, and the pilot project at the BWB Spring Summit.  
  • Sean Kolk spoke on the REAP Climate Center workforce development campus. 
  • Fixxer of Rootpile spoke on coordinated disaster response post-Hurricane Helene and the initiation of Burner Disaster Response, a new org in the Southeast. 
  • BWB Chicago community member, Cappy, spoke about the e Haiti Sail Relief and the replicable and adaptable BWB toolkit for Chiditarod’s Rod-In-A-Box

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