BWB S.F. / Bay Area, California (USA)

We would like to get likeminded burners and non-burners alike to come together and see what we can dream up to help our lovely city of SF and the Bay Area in utilizing our skills and gifting’s.


“First do what it necessary. Then do what is possible. And soon you will be doing the impossible”. – Francis of Assisi According to a 2015 Department of Justice memo, it is considered “cruel and unusual punishment” to give citations for sleeping outdoors when cities lack viable alternatives for shelter. Yet the criminalization of homelessness is on…
Please sign this petition to make your voice heard against the $35 permit fee and beach closures November-February.   In 2007 Burners Without Borders discovered that the  National Park Service (NPS) was considering banning fires at Ocean Beach in San Francisco due to the difficulties they had in managing the trash left behind from…
In 2007, the National Park Service almost banned fires on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, due to consistent problems with trash and debris. The Burning Man community joined others in opposing the ban, and in part in response to a community plea, more than 3,000 letters poured in to the Park Service, who agreed to…

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