Sandtown South Community Apiary
Fencing for a community apiary. This project is important to the community because it would convert nuisance space into productive space. The area currently attracts illicit activity such as illegal dumping and drug related activity. This blight and crime makes the surrounding houses unattractive to potential residents or investors. Beautified green spaces such as gardens and this apiary create community hubs that bring neighbors together and make others want to become part of the community. We have received permission from Baltimore City’s Housing Department to go forward with the project. The city requires a barrier around the perimeter of the apiary. This grant would go towards the necessary fencing. We will start off with 2 hives that we already own and the bees will be delivered in the spring. This project will be ongoing and will continue to grow and include more neighbors throughout the years. The apiary will also contain a variety of native flowering plants.