BWB Louisiana Flood Relief Continues

June 3, 2017
When the southern part of Louisiana got massively flooded over a ten day period in August of 2016, it affected close to 150,000 homes resulting in one of the worst flooding disasters in the United States. It prompted Dietrich McGaffey, a volunteer of BWB, to get to the disaster zone immediately and assist in the relief efforts. His friend and fellow BWB volunteer Daniel Cappy stepped up to help coordinate the volunteer efforts and projects.
Upon arriving and searching all the opportunities where they could be most aptly utilized, they found their place of service at The Life Church of Walker, which was serving as a local hub for the community through facilitating distribution of food and supplies. The church and school had converted its gymnasium into a donations center whose shelves were full to the ceiling with food, cleaning supplies, toiletries and hygiene products, bedding and sleeping bags, clothing, and first aid. The church also provided bunks and shelter for those serving full-time. As the time continued, the BWB crew filled the gaps and went to places that even the Red Cross wouldn’t venture into when it came to addressing the mold in certain homes.
A couple months later, another rockstar volunteer, Will Weaver AKA Will Power, joined and took over leading the efforts. Mucking and cleaning homes was ongoing and other needs arose. Another volunteer named Kevin O’Neill came down and got involved with an old cemetery whose coffins had been displaced. Project opportunities rose up daily and Burners Without Borders would fit in and contribute what they could with the resources they had. BWB has always been about helping in areas where there isn’t much support, “filling in the gaps,” and getting shit done.
Since late last year, Kaya Nicole has been the BWB lead on the ground and the team has currently been helping support the Saint Bernard Project, United Saints, various churches, and also assisting individuals directly.
This is a CALL TO ACTION! The team is in need of more volunteers and hands to help. There is housing that can be coordinated, with enough advance notice, for those who decide to go down as efforts and relief will be continued throughout the rest of the year. Anytime is a good time to go if you are feeling motivated to serve! BWB is going to be there for a while.
If you find yourself free and would like to gift your time and energy to the Louisiana Flood efforts, please get in touch with Kaya Nicole at
Learn more about the latest updates on the BWB Louisiana Flood Facebook page.
To get more involved and keep up to date about volunteering with BWB, check out our FB volunteer page and/or subscribe to our volunteer email list.