ELS Civic Ignition Grant Winner 2016: [freespace] Barcelona

Burners Without Borders in collaboration with the European Burning Man Regional Network is excited to announce the winner of the ‘ELS Civic Ignition Grant’ for 2016: [freespace] Barcelona.
[freespace] is an international movement that is an experiment in what is possible when a community shares the gift of physical space. A [freespace] is a gathering place for people to come together, to create, teach, learn, and share the things which they are truly passionate about, and strengthen connections between individuals as well as communities through art, events, and long term projects.
The particular [freespace] project that was awarded the grant is a series of Civic Hacking workshops that will happen throughout the year- with concepts for topics such as: Urban Gardening, The Psychedelic Vaudeville, Poetry & Spoken Word and many others. [Freespace] will be creating a youtube channel where they will be able to share all of these civic hacking workshops with the larger community.
The group of participating regional leaders was also quite inspired by another application, a group of burners from Nowhere doing work in “The Jungle”, an informal refugee camp in Calais, France.
The Burners there lost a series of tools in a theft recently and the money was to support purchasing new tools that would be used in a tool-lending library. Though only one winner could be chosen for the Civic Ignition Grant- the judging group decided to start a citizens fundraising effort for the Calais project. On the last day of the summit 1,150 Euros was gathered for the Calais Relief work- and the BWB Calais research team was able to deliver the crowdsourced funds to the project leads last week.
What is the ELS Civic Ignition Grant?
A program aimed at funding innovative community & civic projects within the Burning Man European Regional Network. We are interested in programs that create collaborations, produce direct actions, utilize several of the 10 Burning Man Principles, are reproducible, and creatively tackle local social problems. This grant gives Burning Man European Regional Leaders the opportunity to submit a collaborative, creative, and principle-focused project with a chance to win up to a €1,000 grant.
– Grant is announced on December 22nd.
– Deadline for grant submissions is January 29th (Midnight CET)
– Judges will review the grants at the 2016 European Leadership Conference (February 5th-7th)
– Winner(s) will be announced Sunday afternoon at the ELS. (February 7th)
Apply here: http://bit.ly/1MumayW
What’s special about the ELS Civic Ignition Grant?
Submissions to the 2016 ELS Civic Ignition grant cycle will be workshopped and judged by a select group of Regional Contacts and community leaders that attend this year’s European Leadership Conference (ELS). This group will be using the submissions as material to review and workshop while learning how to administer their own civic grant programs.
Who is eligible to apply?
Individuals, Groups, and Not-for-Profits are all eligible to apply. All projects *must* be endorsed by a local Burning Man Regional Contact. The RC does not need to be a project lead, or heavily involved with the process, rather they are simply endorsing the project and the leaders who are submitting. We recognize not all regions have local RC’s, if this applies to you consider contacting a neighboring RC or contact Misa <misa@burningman.org>.
How much can you ask for?
The maximum grant that maybe awarded is €1,000. We encourage your project’s viability to not be solely dependent on this grant. Think about other sources of funding that might be available.
What types of proposals will likely not get funded by this program?
Programs that are solely based on artistic endeavors and do not have a community or civic aspect will most likely not be considered for funding. Funds should not be used for direct fundraising, chapter promotion efforts, or for paying people for their work.
What follow-up will be expected by grant recipients?
All recipients will be expected to submit written reports (blogs) on what they have accomplished and learned in the course of their projects, along with accompanying visual media. This media will be hosted on the Burners Without Borders website.