Greening the Beige

Since its founding in 2007 by long-time burning man participant, Carissa Welton, Greening the Beige has worked with several remarkable organizations, campaigns, and projects — all focused on creating a more sustainable planet. Over the years GtB has also helped draw more attention to its many green allies and community leaders, in addition to raising funds for the Hua Dan Sichuan Earthquake Project, Roots & Shoots –Jane Goodall Institute China, and China Mangrove Action Project.
Volunteer Opportunities Available
All participating members volunteer their time, energy, and talent to GtB in aims of improving Beijing’s urban environment.
If you’re an artist, organization, or individual dedicated to sustainable development, we’d absolutely LOVE to hear from you! All of our events are designed to celebrate innovative, eco-minded, positive projects and creative works.
Funding for GtB relies heavily upon the contributions of our participants and is based on a gift economy. Since 2007, GtB has hosted several free entrance events at local Beijing venues, occasionally charging affordable ticket sales to help off-set operating costs.
If you would like to get more involved and/or support Greening the Beige, please contact us at
Visit our Facebook Page to see our current projects.