Nepal Grassroots Recovery

When Nepal Grassroots Recovery, an emergency aid group composed of volunteer/survivors was asked by several of the villages to new build schools, they were a bit hesitant. Although any school is better than no school, they were aware of the dismal state of education often found in public schools in remote regions of Nepal’s Himalayas. So they came up with a different solution that will build innovative community centers know as MakerSpaces. They need your participation to make this innovative project a success.
What are MakerSpaces?
MakerSpaces are buildings that are home to a collection of tools, technology, knowledge, and manpower that coalesce to solve real local problems and facilitate learning. The facilities are a free community resource that include computers, a tool library, free education, volunteer housing, public internet access, cameras, printers, and more; all to be used to rebuild homes today and educate minds for tomorrow.
Trainings from professional Nepali masons, architects, and engineers combined with volunteer labor will aid in the immediate rebuilding efforts in the village. While the other Makerclasses will teach computer programming, the Arts, electrical engineering, entrepreneurship, media production, and 3d printing. We believe that with tools, technology, knowledge, and manpower recovery can come quick and pave the way to self-perpetuating development in Nepal.
Cost and Design
Keeping with the sustainable house and architectural style that Nepal has used for centuries; our team of Nepali architects designed buildings composed of locally sourced stone, wood, sand, and bamboo. The designs implement earthquake resistant building techniques like thru stones, seismic bands, step foundations, round walls, single floors, wall ties, large doorways and more ensuring that even if a large quake did strike, people would remain safe.
The MakerSpaces, including a base level of technology, can be built for as little as $15,000 USD. As usual, accountability, transparency, and responsible spending are always a major part of Nepal Grassroots Recovery’s decision making process (which is why we won’t have 3d, printers unless one is magically donated, fingers crossed.)You are always welcome to view a list of donors first names, country, and donation amount on our website.
Technology Drive: How You Can Help
They are also accepting tax deductible in-kind donations of laptops, cameras, old smart phones and other gadgetry that still works.