Project HOPE Art

What is Project HOPE Art?
Project HOPE Art uses art as a vehicle to inspire, to educate and to create intentional whimsy. They work with children in hospitals, orphanages, schools and communities in disaster stricken areas, utilizing art to help establish self esteem, self expression, self respect and stress relief for their students. You can DONATE HERE to support this amazing project.
Let There Be LIGHT-Shrine Edition
Creating LIGHT where there is darkness, lead artist Shrine will beam a brigade of resourceful talent from Los Angeles to Port au Prince to assemble from reclaimed materials a sculpture based on the concept of LIGHT around the time of Karnaval (end of February, beginning of March 2014). Described as a contemporary Folk Artist and leader in the LA art scene, Shrine has a long history and diverse portfolio of art installations.
Each and every year builders, innovators and organizers assemble at the Haiti Communitere eco-base to fan out their ingenuity. These visionaries create new solutions (and celebrations) in poor Haitian neighborhoods. In one of the hardest hit and poorest neighborhoods, Cité Soleil, resides the RAJEPRE School, home to 100 school children who would otherwise not attend school or receive an education. This will be the site for the sculptural installation.
‘Shrine’s entire art practice is about making the dead and discarded objects of the ordinary world live whole new lives as fresh-faced stars of a new visual culture. He calls that visual culture the Empire of Love, and if it had a slogan, it would be “Art from Trash,” advocating ambitious dumpster-diving as a serious form of design for a legitimately sustainable society.’
In January 2013, in honor of the anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince Haiti, Project HOPE Art built a sculpture from recycled materials with Haitian artists, local orphanages, students at the RAJEPRE school and other project partners. The sculpture installation was called “Let There Be Light”. As an art organization collective in 2014 we are expanding this project to bring the installation artist Shrine via the Do Art Foundation and performing artists from Lucent Dossier’s non-profit Cuddle the World to Haiti during Karnaval to work with the community as an artistic and collaborative cross cultural exchange.
Shrine will be leading a team of invited artists (6 cirque performers/builders) and Eco-tourists ready to participate supported by The Do Art Foundation, Haiti Communitere, Burners Without Borders, Project HOPE Art and Cuddle the World. The team will first build an installation in Haiti during Karnival and later will recreate the piece on a pier in Los Angeles, CA.