Transforming and Empowering Children in Uganda: 2018 Community Grant Update!

One of our 2018 Community Micro Grant Recipients is the Transforming and Empowering Disadvantaged Children in Uganda
Project leader Abel Robert Ssekayombya describes the project:
Interventions are required for disadvantaged young people to have a chance to look at the world through different eyes, because the life they are living in is not the only path to take. Amongst these interventions is the integration of performing Arts (music, dance drama and instruments) into their daily lives.
The objective of this project was to identify, nurture and promote natural acquired talents and skills of disadvantaged young people using both traditional African and western music, dance, drama and instruments. The project took place in Bbamba, Kitagobwa, Kasangati Town Council Wakiso District in Uganda.
In order to bridge the gap between the disadvantaged and advantaged, young people we must give an equal chance to experience the magic of music or performing arts. This exposure reduces aggression, self-harm, drug abuse and violence, and negativity. It enhances creative expression, builds self-esteem, exposure and most importantly, brings joy, happiness and pride. This grant was used to purchase costumes and instruments for the project.
The Burning Man`s Ten Principles were exemplified by promoting community participation and inclusion in the project. A lot efforts were exhibited in community by promoting disadvantaged children expression and show love in what they are doing.
100 people participated both locally and internationally including from US and Europe. 60 children directly experienced the project. Children learnt skills in drama, dancing and instruments hence empowered. Through this project 23 children were able to attract education sponsorship to address the problem lack of education. 31 families in the community are very happy their children are able to go to school which was not possible before the project. Families are also happy that their children are able to acquire skills in performing arts which is a lifelong skill to the children. Children are now able to stage performances on wedding, and other functions with unique production. This project is continuous because its loved by the community and children. It’s used as a therapy to the children that are turning violent in the community. So please any additional support is welcome, it can be feeding children,buying costumes, facilitating the trainers and many more. This project is open to anyone from around the world, you can come ground or online.
To learn more about this project visit their website.
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