Motomoto Circus Steals the Show
October 16, 2009
At the end of Ramadan there is a festival called Eid al-Fitr.
Eid is an Arabic word meaning “festivity”, while Fiṭr means “to break fast” – it basically a four day party here in Mombasa.
Tents are erected and professional acrobats perform inside them. In order to get in you must pay 50 shillings and there are thousands of people there.
…. but something went wrong. For some reason thousands of people were not going in the tents but instead watching a group of …. street children?!
This was a problem. The street kids spinning fire were more entertaining and having more fun than the ‘professional acrobats’ – who take themselves very seriously … So what do to but take the street children into their tent and given them a cut of the profits?
The money generated during these shows has actually launched one of our performers into an apartment! – and has really boosted their self esteem (being seen by thousands of people who would normally rather they just vanish).
This Saturday we will be be doing an outreach at a children’s home on the south coast and are looking at costumes.
Help Will and the boys keep the fire burning! Click here to donate!