ZumaPoop in Oaxaca, Mexico: 2017 Grant Update

We have an update from BWB Grantee “Zuma Poop.” Joana Torres writes:
For the past few weeks, we’ve been having fun building the Zumapoop sustainable toilets at La Casita children’s center in Moctezuma, Mexico. When we are not running around buying materials or meeting local artisans and builders, we are at the job site getting our hands dirty with the local crew. Each day is intense, but just as evening starts rolling down… boom! The kids arrive to La Casita for their after-school activities and they fill us with their energy and laughter. The kids are amazing, always so eager to help out with the construction. They would be part of the construction crew full time, if we’d let them!
Construction wise, all the existing structure was reinforced, the new foundations are in place and so are the composting vaults. The roof structure is underway and the walls are taking shape too. It’s exciting to see new developments every day.
We want to take this project further and install a pump at the existing well. So we’re asking for your support once again to help us achieve this $700 US goal! The well pump would provide kids and adults in Moctezuma with water to wash their hands and do many other things without having to throw a bucket down the well each time they need water. If you haven’t contributed yet, we ask you to please donate to our paypal account and share it with all your friends. A $20 donation or more goes a long way and the people of Moctezuma will appreciate it!
Check out some photos of the construction developments and kids activities:
Learn who won the 2017 BWB Community Micro Grants this year