CHIditarod Toolbox! (Rod-in-a-box)
Our good friends at Chiditarod have put their years of hard work and learnings into an online tool-kit to be used by anyone out in the world that wants to try and replicate their awesome project. Over the past 10 years Chiditarod has raised over 134,000 pounds of food for local food shelves and over $145,000 that has gone out in small grants to local groups and projects dealing with food deserts, access and scarcity issues in Chicago.
Check out the resources on the Chiditarod webpage here: Rod-in-a-Box
The Rod-in-a-Box project takes the magic of CHIditarod and distills it into a reproducible toolkit designed to empower any organized, driven group to build creative, participatory, fun events that produce real social impact in their own communities.
It consists of 11 years worth of manuals, forms, spreadsheets, timelines, templates, learned lessons, software, and pro tips. It is organized primarily as a set of interlocking Google docs alongside a website and open source technology.
Co-create with fellow Rod in a Boxers by joining our Facebook Group
Chiditarod founders Devin Breen & Liz Campanella speaking at the Burning Man Global Leadership Conference 2016.