
BWB Vancouver Christmas Isn’t Over

A once a month gathering of compassionate independents made up of Burners and non-Burners who organize and gather to be of service in our community. The Lower East Side of Vancouver is a diverse community transitioning at this time, which makes it ideal and in need of relief and loving kindness. Our first event in Dec. 2013 was a huge success and was met with warmth and gratitude. It has inspired us to make this event a continuing commitment to ourselves and our community.

To participate is truly a joy and a pleasure. We collect clothes, shoes, household items, gently used or new toiletries, anything that could help to improve another human’s quality of life, then distribute it to those in need.
* Donations of blankets, socks, undies, jackets, extra large sweaters are very much needed*

It is a great opportunity to purge and minimize a lot of the ‘stuff’ we collect, that ultimately we do not need or use. There is freedom and grace that comes with minimalism, and this is just another added bonus, knowing this ‘stuff’ is going somewhere where it is needed.

We also cook stews, soups, make grilled cheese sandwiches, bring baked goods, produce,canned goods, and donate extra provisions to share in the community.

We bring small cooking stoves to keep everything warm and then we spend the afternoon serving and helping people find what they need from our collection.

We would be delighted for you to join us in our heart mission of “Christmas Isn’t Over”, as that depth of love and joy resides in our hearts the whole year through…

Everyone welcome!!

Project visionaries: Bip, Brittny, Amanda, Zoe Dec. 2013.
BWB Vancouver Contacts: Charlene and Cam


Everyone is welcome to join us in making a positive difference. Please follow these links to join us!

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