Cotatitarod: North Bay Shopping Cart Race


Cotatitarod, a shopping cart race benefitting Redwood Empire Food Bank
WHEN: Saturday, March 3, 2018. Check in 10 AM. Race starts 1 PM
WHERE: La Plaza Park, Cotati, California.
WHY: Replenish the food bank, support local businesses, and have fun!
WHO: Sponsored by North Bay Burners, Burning Man Regional Network.

We’re back! The 2nd Annual Cotatitarod is now underway. Sign up to be a volunteer here. You can volunteer as an organizer pre-event, or help out the day of the event.

Gather four friends and become a team of five to run the race! Registration is open from February 1st through the 28th, 2018. Register your team of 5 now! Registration fee is $50 per team prepaid, and each team needs to donate at least 60lbs of food to the Redwood Empire Food Bank the day of the race.


Saturday, March 3rd, 2018
La Plaza Park, Downtown Cotati
10am Racer check in
noon Racer’s meeting
1pm Race begins!
4pm Award ceremony, then head over to the after party

Want to get in on the fun? Come to a planning meeting! Our next organizers meeting is set for 7pm on Thursday, February 1st at Smokin’ Bowls in Rohnert Park. Come on down and be a part of the madness. I mean organizers. Let’s get the cart rolling!

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