LA Permaculture Action Day on the Road to Burning Man
LA Permaculture Action Day on the Road to Burning Man
Sunday, August 7th! 11am-7pm
Kiss The Ground Garden
681 N Venice Blvd, Venice, CA 90291
Event Page:
Join Burners Without Borders, Common Vision, and the Permaculture Action Network for a Permaculture Action Day at Kiss the Ground Garden in Los Angeles – a permaculture demonstration and education garden in Venice Beach at the site of the former city hall. This is a high visibility site!
Kiss The Ground is an organization working to get out “The Soil Story” through media and demonstration – the story that building healthy topsoil is the key to carbon sequestration, healthy food, greater ecological diversity, water retention and drought resistance. Beyond network building and creating media, Kiss the Ground creates the direct experience of the many benefits of healthy soil regeneration through their highly visible LA Permaculture Garden in Venice.
On your path from Los Angeles to Burning Man this year, take a stop at the Kiss the Ground Garden where we’ll be holding a wildly life-affirming Permaculture Action Day on Sunday, August 7th from 11am – 7pm. We’ll be planting fruit trees with the state-touring Common Vision team and making signage to inform people of the many beneficial relationships between trees, soil, people, water, food, and the ecological web of life.
We’ll also be painting the Kiss the Ground GREENHOUSE with a layer of protective Linseed Oil, planting and beautifying the BUTTERFLY GARDEN, making cigarette butt depositories to keep filters out of the garden, and chopping and turning the compost on site. We’re looking to build an outdoor kitchen in the garden and erect a shade-structure as well, on the 7th or in the future!
This is a celebration of life in the truest sense. Along with putting this long-lasting energy in the ground right here in Los Angeles, we’ll be turning up the music with live bands and DJs, sharing delicious food all around, hosting a number of workshops and skillshares, and of course meeting one another and discussing our collective transition to a better way of living together.
Stay tuned in for our Permaculture Action Days on the Road to Burning Man at and follow along the day of and year round @PermaAction on Twitter, at our facebook page –
Stay up on Burners Without Borders’ many other ways to create a better world at or
Learn more about Kiss the Ground in LA at and on Twitter and Instagram @KissTheGroundCA